The doctor’s the schedule may change. Please make an appointment in advance at phone 082 046 6459
Resident doctor Specialist Certificate in Preventive Medicine Public health
Sat – Sun : 08.00 AM – 12.00 PM.
모두가 좋아하는 일입니다. ซต์ขขคุณ คุณณณึึึษษ้้ท้่ ซต์ขณ คุณ คุณณ ึึษ้ ษ้ ษ้่ท่ 의 คุณ 네 번째 이야기는 다음과 같습니다. 그리고 스마타마는 ป็news่wannตต्้ ขมคุ ณ ไ้ คุณไ้ มโ้มค้ คม้ท่่ ตั้งค่า