What is holistic health care ?
It is a process that changes throughout life. In order to live a balanced life Actually, holistic health care is not new. It is wisdom that has been passed down. Its aim is to restore health and delay aging. Vitamins for holistic health care It provides vitamins, nutrients, minerals, and antioxidants. that are necessary for various types of the body That will help restore water balance. and fluids in the body To refresh the body Helps fight free radicals Including various stress conditions
How good are holistic vitamin drips ?
Stimulates cell repair down to the DNA level
세포 변성을 늦추다
Helps restore and strengthen the body.
Helps increase antioxidants
ingredients of 세타 슈페리어
질병을 예방하고 알레르기 증상을 완화하며 항산화제입니다. 신체를 강하게 돕습니다. 또한 혈액 순환계를 자극하여 개선합니다.
신장 결석을 예방합니다. 심장병 위험을 줄입니다. 신체가 지방과 단백질을 잘 흡수하도록 돕습니다.
집중력, 기억력, 균형 감각을 높이고, 과민성을 완화하며, 스트레스를 줄이고, 신체의 에너지를 증가시킵니다.
Helps eliminate toxins Anti-oxidant Helps prevent kidney failure.
Health check program before and after vitamin drip Price 10,000 baht
특별 메뉴
- When purchasing 1 vitamin drip, receive a 40% discount on the health check-up program.
- When purchasing a package of 6 vitamin drips, get 1 free health check-up program before or after the vitamin drip.
비타민 주사 전에 해야 할 일
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