What is vitamin D3?
Vitamin D3 is responsible for calcium absorption. Helps strengthen bones And also helps fight inflammation. Strengthens the body’s immunity as well. As you know, vitamin D3 can be obtained from UVB rays in sunlight and from eating certain foods such as tuna, salmon, cod liver oil, egg yolks, butter, milk, and liver. People at risk for vitamin D deficiency are the elderly. or those who work indoors all the time A lack of vitamin D can also affect mood levels and depression.
As everyone knows, vitamin D3 can be synthesized naturally from sunlight. But as age increases Vitamin D production is reduced. This causes most people to be deficient in vitamin D. Wouldn’t it be better if vitamin D could be supplemented directly?
How important is vitamin D?
Reduce the incidence of osteoporosis
Helps control sugar levels in the body
Control blood pressure in the body
Reduce the risk of getting cancer.
Signs that the body is lacking vitamin D3
- Feeling sick easily, depressed, anxious
- high blood pressure
- Easily fatigued Tired more easily than usual
- Muscle weakness
- Can't sleep well
How is vitamin D injection better than taking it?
- Injection directly into the body Can be used immediately.
- The body will be able to absorb it quickly, absorbing up to 100% because it does not pass through the liver.
- Eating must wait for it to decompose before it can be absorbed.
- Ating can only absorb 50%.
Things to do before injecting vitamin D
- Vitamin D levels should be measured first. To be suitable for vitamin D injections.
- People with kidney dysfunction, people with congenital heart disease High blood fat high blood pressure You should notify the doctor before receiving the service.
- Pregnant women and breastfeeding women You should tell your doctor before using vitamin D.
- 선천적 질병이나 개인 의약품, 다양한 비타민 보충제를 의사의 진찰을 받아 고려하도록 하세요.
Vitamin D Receptor has been discovered or a receptor that binds to vitamin D on T cells and B cells, which are white blood cells that are responsible for eliminating foreign substances that threaten the body such as bacteria, viruses, cancer cells. Currently, there is a lot of research on Support vitamin D supplementation to help fight various cancers such as colon cancer, breast cancer, and prostate cancer.