Hormone testing program Hormones are chemicals that the body produces, originating in endocrine glands, that pass through the body's vascular system and control various functions, including metabolism, appetite, mood, stress, heart rate, and reproduction.

Why do we need to test hormones? Hormones are very important for the functioning of the body, whether male or female, children or adults. Hormones for each gender or each age have different types or amounts of hormones. They also have different functions according to gender and age, such as sex hormones, hormones that help promote growth, hormones that control metabolism, hormones that control sleep, and many more. However, if the secretion of hormones is not balanced, not suitable for gender and age as it should be, including the ability to produce hormones that decrease due to age and various diseases, all of these can cause abnormal body function. Many times, it may not be possible to clearly identify whether the cause is from hormones or not. But if left untreated, it will affect physical and mental health to get worse. 

Preparation before blood draw