liver disease caused by abnormal liver function
Liver-threatening diseases and conditions Common in Thailand are:
It is the fat accumulation in the liver. until the liver becomes inflamed If left untreated The liver cells will gradually be destroyed until the liver cannot function. Caused by consuming fat, sugar, sweets or consuming too much starch. When the body is out of use will accumulate as triglycerides in liver cells When the day is long, it will cause inflammation to come up.
drinking alcohol on a regular basis and chronic fatty liver by when cirrhosis occurs It makes the incidence of liver cancer increase. There is a risk of causing liver cancer.
Caused by cirrhosis from all causes, whether from alcohol. or viral hepatitis Early liver cancer usually has no symptoms. But when it gets worse, there may be symptoms such as unexplained weight loss, loss of appetite, loss of appetite, fatigue, jaundice and yellow eyes, etc.