people losing weight Blood group O
Group O people are a group that has a better digestion system for meat than other groups. and gastric juice in the digestive system is highly acidic But the metabolic system is not very good. Thyroid hormone levels are not stable, which makes it easy to gain weight. and found problems with slow blood clotting This is because the levels of thyroid hormone and iodine in the body are quite low. Iodine is a compound that helps regulate thyroid hormones. If it is lacking, it may cause side effects such as obesity and edema. Therefore, people with group O should focus on eating more foods high in protein and iodine, such as seafood or seaweed. Eating seafood regularly can help prevent blood clotting and thyroid disease. But you have to be careful about fat and Cholesterol too
Foods that people with group O should avoid
Foods such as wheat flour, oats, and beans should be avoided. Cruciferous vegetables should be avoided because they affect the thyroid. Shiitake mushrooms and pickled olives may cause allergic reactions. Eggplant and potatoes may cause joint pain. Cantaloupe, coconut, and oranges should be avoided as they are too acidic.
Foods recommended for people with group O to eat
As for fruits and vegetables, you can eat almost every kind of lettuce, spinach, onion, seaweed, especially broccoli and spinach, which are high in vitamin K. They can help with blood clotting. Especially fruits that are red in the berry family. (except blackberry) grapefruit family It will help with weight loss.
Drinks suitable for people of group O
Pineapple juice because it helps hold water in the cells in the body. or black cherry juice It is considered a good health drink for people of group O because it is high alkaline juice, which reduces irritation of the stomach. As for drinking herbal tea? Some teas can take good care of the health of people with group O, such as Licoria helping with the stomach, Peppermint, Parsley, Rosehips, Saraparilla helping reduce stress. And you should stop drinking coffee in the morning because it increases stomach acid.
A diet tip for people with group O is that while losing weight, you should avoid foods such as beans, grains, and bread, which will make it easier for you to gain weight than usual. and choose to eat meat with less fat instead