Long COVID-19

What kind of symptoms do you have?

Long COVID or the full name is Long term effect of COVID -19, which is a group of people who have recovered from COVID-19. But still have to face the remaining symptoms Even though the virus has disappeared from the body. But some symptoms do not disappear as well. Long COVID symptoms will vary from person to person. It is a symptom that does not have a fixed character. can occur throughout the body

A report from the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) on the most common post-COVID-19 symptoms. (Picture below) is divided into several groups of symptoms. which affects the functioning of the nervous system Cardiovascular system, kidney system, respiratory system musculoskeletal system and blood clotting system Causing some recovered patients to be unable to return to normal life as before Long COVID symptoms have a chance of occurring 30-50% from the number of people infected with COVID-19. cured especially those with severe illnesses This will cause many patients to get tired easily, shortness of breath, fatigue, body aches, joint pains, muscle weakness, chronic cough, abnormal taste and smell. Feeling like you have a fever, headache, dizziness, insomnia, poor memory, poor concentration, anxiety, depression, stress, palpitations, chest tightness, diarrhea, flatulence.

The BBC, citing data from the National Health Service (NHS), reports that Long COVID is a symptom that lasts for weeks. after infection with covid This usually gets better within 12 weeks, but in some cases, symptoms can linger for longer. Usually found in patients aged between 35-49 years and between the ages of 50-69 years, 20 percent of patients will fall into this category. After 5 weeks of infection, the risk group is Long COVID, patients who have been infected with COVID-19. and have severe pneumonia People with congenital disease, people aged 60 years and over, patients with obesity Females are more at risk than males.  

Symptoms that follow after recovering from COVID-19

Who is at risk of contracting COVID-19?

Longcovid syndrome is a condition that occurs with people infected with COVID-19. cured with a probability of approximately 30 – 50%. In addition, in some studies, half of patients have at least one symptom of Long COVID. The patients who are at risk for long-covid condition are as follows:

Test for COVID for quick treatment long term protection

those recovering from COVID-19  I have to observe myself carefully. Always assess your own body. and rehabilitate the body properly If there are any of the above symptoms that interfere with life It is advisable to see and consult a doctor to find out the cause in detail. And may require additional examinations to treat the problem that occurs Don't leave it until it becomes severe and chronic. This leads to the loss of treatment opportunities and even more negative effects on health.

Symptoms of COVID in people with congenital disease

heart disease patient

Patients with heart disease are more prone to severe symptoms and complications than general patients. When the body tries to resist the virus, it may cause "self-immunity to the heart muscle and pericardium", which directly affects the heart muscle. causing the contraction of the heart muscle to decrease If you are in Long Covid, you may experience palpitations, chest pain, irregular heartbeats.


 COVID-19 virus will inhibit the function of pancreatic cells that is responsible for creating insulin for the body In most cases, diabetes is caused by a lack of insulin in the body. When the body's insulin decreases, the symptoms of diabetes become more severe. The symptoms found in adults are frequent thirst, dry mouth, dry throat, and urination more often. And in children, they often have faster breathing, tiredness, and shortness of breath.

respiratory disease patients

Viral infections can cause pneumonia. and the virus causes obstruction in the alveoli, which affects oxygen exchange and bias. which causes the bloodstream in the body to receive insufficient oxygen It also causes scarring or damage in the lungs, causing the lungs to not exchange oxygen as well as before. which the symptoms are Shortness of breath, easily tired, not fresh, persistent cough


Most patients are often concerned about their symptoms whether they are severe, serious, or have complications. In addition, some patients treated in the ICU can develop psychological symptoms after experiencing severe traumatic situations. Mental disorders are found, including anxiety states. insomnia and emotional problems which some patients may experience many symptoms together

COVID-19 patient health program checklist in Ulab Medical Technology Clinic

Measurement of IgG autoimmune response to spike protein of COVID-19 To know the level of immune response of the body after vaccination or after infection with the COVID-19 virus A blood test for immune response should be done 14-28 days after the full dose of vaccination (depending on the type of vaccine injected), but should not be longer than 3 months.

Reporting results

In case the examination result is Reactive It doesn't mean you won't get infected. Or don't infect other people, so it's still recommended to strictly follow the infection prevention guidelines.

In case the examination result is Non-reactive after receiving a full dose of vaccine This may be due to several reasons, such as collecting samples before immunization. are immunocompromised or are receiving immunosuppressive drugs type of vaccine and the body's response state in each individual

Figure shows the immune response in the body after COVID-19 infection.

1 Thyroid level measurement

hypothyroidism Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormones to meet the body's needs. In the early stages there may not be any symptoms. But later may show symptoms such as obesity, abnormal heart function pain in various joints or infertility Previous studies found diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, obesity and high blood pressure. Affects the prognosis of COVID-19. Studying the effects of hypothyroidism on the prognosis of COVID-19 is therefore essential. for use in planning effective treatment

Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) is a hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland. Acts to stimulate the thyroid gland. Thyroid gland produces hormones T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine). The TSH value depends on the thyroid hormone level. If the thyroid gland produces hormones on its own, the TSH will be low. If the thyroid hormones are unable to produce hormones, the TSH will be high. If abnormal values are found, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Normal value 0.4001 – 4.049 mIU/L

- Hormones produced by the thyroid gland

Total T3 Normal 0.970–1.69 ng/mL

Total T4 Normal 5.53–11.0 ug/dL

Free T3 Normal 2.77–5.27 pg/mL

Free T4, normal 0.78–2.19 ng/dL.


The figure shows the functioning of the thyroid system. and abnormal conditions

C-Reactive Protein (hsCRP) is a type of protein produced by the liver in response to inflammation in the body. This chemical binds to dead cells. or severely damaged and dying cells Before entering, it stimulates the immune system to strengthen macrophages, white blood cells that help eliminate abnormal cells or foreign matter. As a result, the C-Reactive Protein (hsCRP) test is used to diagnose inflammation caused by viral infections or other infections, where a high CRP value indicates the recovery efficiency of the body after infection. infection that is not as good as it should be

Normal 1.0-1.5 mg/dL


The figure shows indicators of inflammation that occur after infection.

Because the virus will result in "beta cells" or cells found in a group of cells in the pancreas. Which is responsible for the production and secretion of insulin is damaged. cause blood sugar levels or Blood sugar higher, especially in patients with pre-existing diabetes Even in COVID patients with lung infection severe illness The results of the trial showed that steroids reduced the risk of death in patients with ventilator and oxygen. but at the same time Steroid medications can cause a buildup of sugar in the blood, or HbA1C of patients also increased.

The normal blood sugar range is between 70 -106 mg/dL.

Normal HbA1c less than 5.7%

The figure shows the level of HbA1c in the presence of sugar accumulation in the bloodstream.

Vitamin D doesn't just help your immune system work efficiently. But from the results of the study found that Vitamin D helps the body recover faster. This may be due to the properties of vitamin D that help support nervous system and brain function. lung function including cardiovascular health

Normal 20-100 ng/mL

The figure shows the process of formation and causes of vitamin D deficiency.

According to UC Davis Health, a medical center specializing in cardiovascular disease in the United States. It was found that approximately 20-30% patients undergoing COVID-19 treatment experience cardiac problems. It can be directly affected by the virus that results in inflammation. Or is it an indirect effect caused by the immune system trying to fight off the virus? and stimulate the secretion of cytokines too much when the ACE2 protein that coats the cell surface are being invaded by the virus and unable to protect the heart cells The resulting immune substance becomes the villain to destroy the heart itself. This inflammation causes the heart muscle to weaken. arrhythmia or serious complications such as "acute heart failure"

Myocardial protein specificity for myocardial injury (Troponin I – high sensitivity)

Normal 0.012 – 0.034 ng/mL

– CK enzyme test (Creatine Kinase) is used to help diagnose or follow up on treatment myositis heart muscle and ischemic heart disease, etc.

Normal: Men: 55-170 Units/L, Women: 30-135 Units/L.

The figure shows indicators of abnormalities of the heart muscle. and myocardial infarction

The normal amount of calcium in the blood of adults There will be a normal value of 8.4-10.2 mg/dL if found to be different from this value. May be considered abnormal blood calcium. divided into

– High blood calcium levels This condition is often caused by severe dehydration. overactive parathyroid glands

– Lower than normal levels of calcium in the blood Caused by the loss of calcium in the body. or inability to absorb calcium from food as it should or have low levels of vitamin D in the body This makes it harder to absorb calcium.

1. Overall Cholesterol (Total Cholesterol)

The purpose of measuring lipid levels in the blood is to indicate the risk of heart disease. Ischemic stroke from clots or constriction of blood vessels and used to monitor treatment in patients receiving blood lipid-lowering drugs

Normal < 200 mg/dL

2. Triglycerides (Triglyceride)

It is fat that is stored in the body in fat cells (adipose tissue) acting as a source of energy for the body. It is usually checked in conjunction with other fat

Normal < 150 mg/dL

3. Good fat (HDL-Cholesterol)

It is a type of fat that serves to store cholesterol back from various organs. Back to the liver, which is the center of the process of fat breakdown, called HDL-cholesterol as good fat.

Normal >40 mg/dL (women), >50 mg/dL (men)

4. Bad fat (LDL-Cholesterol)

It is a type of fat that carries cholesterol in the bloodstream. LDL-cholesterol that is bad fat

 Normal value < 130 mg/dL, but optimum value is < 100 mg/dL.

1. Blood urea nitrogen (BUN)

It is a waste product caused by protein metabolism in the body. and is eliminated through the kidneys. Elevated blood levels of BUN may indicate decreased kidney function

          Normal 9-20 mg/dL

2. Creatinine

It is a waste product caused by the breakdown of muscles. that can be detected in the blood And is excreted through the kidneys in a fixed amount each day. When kidney function is abnormal, it affects the elimination of creatinine in the blood. Therefore, creatinine level measurements can indicate kidney function.

          Normal 0.66-1.25 mg/dL

1.Total protein

is the total amount of protein in the bloodstream (Albumin + globulin), which should be given just for use, in the event that there is too little or too much, it would indicate abnormalities in the body. 

Normal 6.3-8.2 g/dL

2. Albumin (albumin)

It is a protein that floats in the bloodstream that is produced by the liver and is more abundant than other proteins.

Normal 3.5-5.0 g/dL

3. Globulin (globulin)

It is another important total protein that floats in the plasma or bloodstream. which is second only to albumin, plays an important role in being a vehicle for white blood cells to bind together so that they can float in the bloodstream to destroy pathogenic microbes.

Normal 2.3-3.4 g/dL

4.Total bilirubin

is the total bilirubin Bilirubin is caused by depleted red blood cells and is destroyed in the spleen, producing bilirubin.

Normal 0.2-13 mg/dL

5.Direct bilirubin

It is a water soluble bilirubin. It is caused by the liver bringing bilirubin floating in the bloodstream to mix with an acid until it is water soluble and is a yellowish liquid that is ready to be thrown out of the body by the liver and kidneys.

Normal 0.0-0.3 mg/dL

6. Liver Enzymes (SGOT)

 It is an enzyme found in liver cells. It can also be found in other organs such as the heart or skeletal muscles. Hepatotoxicity is less than ALT. It is usually performed in conjunction with ALT to assess primary liver function.

Normal values are 0-40 IU/L.

7. Liver enzymes (SGPT)

It is a type of enzyme found in liver cells. Therefore, the ALT value detected in the bloodstream can indicate the function and abnormalities in the liver cells.

Normal values are 0-40 IU/L.

8. Liver Function (ALP)

The normal value of ALP in adults is 30 – 120 U/L. the presence of obstruction in the bile duct system bile duct stones or disease that includes tumors or lumps or lesions in the liver. Consult your doctor to determine the cause.

9. GGT or Gamma GT

It is an enzyme created by the liver that helps in detoxification and will increase a lot.

          Normal value 15-73 U/L