world cancer day

World Cancer Day

Cancer is the number 1 cause of death worldwide, accounting for 16% of all causes of death. Higher than the death rate from accidents and other causes more than 2-3 times. "World Cancer Day" will meet on February 4 of every year. medical technology clinic Ulab would like to bring everyone to understand about cancer. whether it is the same or different from the tumor

inevitable factors such as heredity

avoidable factors For example, from lifestyle behavior

  1. eat raw food
  2. eating too much fat
  3. Smoking or being in a smoke-filled environment, such as a friend who smokes
  4. Eat moldy or spoiled food.
  5. Exposure to too strong sunlight, especially between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM.
  6. Living in a source of air pollution, such as near the main road in the center of Bangkok
  7. Eat pickled food, processed food such as pickled vegetables, salted crab.
  8. Eat charred foods such as grilled meat, grilled shrimp.
  9. take birth control pills (both oral and injectable) for more than 5 consecutive years
  10. eating unclean food chemical contamination
  11. Ever had a chronic infection
  12. overweight


will find breast cancer cervical cancer Colon cancer, lung cancer, and ovarian cancer were the most common.


lung cancer will be found prostate cancer colon cancer and bladder cancer the most

know before treatment

the complexity of cancer makes even though we pay full attention to health care The chances of facing such diseases will increase with age anyway. And because cancer, like any other disease, the sooner you recognize it, the easier it is to treat. Therefore, a screening test for the most common cancers has been developed. These tests are not difficult. It is also widely used. It just has to be set to suit the age range, for example.

  • a mammogram to screen for breast cancer Recommended for women aged 40 or older (or earlier If there is a family history) and check every year after the age of 45 years.
  • X-ray of the lungs for screening for lung cancer Recommended as part of an annual physical exam. due to screening for pulmonary tuberculosis
  • Pap smear and HPV to screen for cervical cancer Screening every five years is recommended for women aged 30 to 65.
  • colonoscopy (colonoscopy) to screen for colorectal cancer Recommended for both women and men aged 45 years and over.
  • PSA blood test to screen for prostate cancer It is advisable to start considering at the age of 50 years and over.

 In addition, we should also carefully observe the changes in our bodies. If something is wrong whether to palpate the lump A mole or fleck that grows abnormally or different excretion must see a doctor soon