Year-end promotion With a special price health check program

More than just a health check, we provide advice. Treatment or prevention plan for you

We assess your body based on the analysis results from a certified laboratory, allowing you to diagnose diseases accurately and quickly, and recommend a treatment plan that helps restore your body to suit each individual.

Select the service you are interested in. To match the problem you are facing

Program Check Up

A specific screening program for customers who are monitoring their symptoms and customers who suspect they have the disease. No need to wait in long lines. You can get tested before making an appointment with a doctor.


Vitamin D injection

90% of Thais are vitamin D deficient. Although Thailand has sunshine in every season, Thais protect themselves from the sun by applying sunscreen. This is the reason why Thais are vitamin D deficient.

Allergies, know before you can prevent

The Thai Society of Allergy and Immunology found that 38 percent of Thai children suffer from allergies and approximately 20 percent of adults suffer from allergies.

sexually transmitted disease

Sexually transmitted diseases are diseases that the number of patients increases every year. They occur from having unprotected sex with people who have various types of infections, which can lead to infection. 

Blood test with NHSO

Gold card holders can now get blood test rights with us. Just hold your ID card and you can get 24 blood tests to reduce crowding while waiting for tests in hospitals. You can bring the test results to receive further treatment.

United Clinic U-Lab by U Wellness International

We have been accredited with ISO 15189 which certifies the competence of laboratories in consumer protection testing (health product analysis) and public health diagnostic testing. This symbol is a representation of the efficiency, quality control and standardized international operating procedures of accredited laboratories, resulting in U-Lab building trust from customers who use our services.